Journal Entry # 9: "WHO ARE YOU ONLINE?"

I'd like to start by stating that I only have one social media account - and that is Facebook! I really don't see the use of the likes of Instagram or Twitter because their functions could also be done on Facebook; hence, I don't use them. It's actually like minimalism in a way, hahaha!

My Facebook Profile Picture

Why did I set this as my Profile Picture?

The number one reason why I have set this picture as my profile picture is simply because this is, for me, the most perfect depiction of myself and how I want others to perceive me in the digital world.

There are a lot of things in this picture that say something about me.

First is the frame I used which is the frame designated for the students of Saint Louis University – STELA under Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. It simply implies that I am a proud Louisian; I want to flaunt it to my digital world!

Second, I think that, somehow, I look attractive in this picture (in my opinion). I admit to showing off a little bit of skin in this picture so please don’t judge me, hahaha! I just want to show my perfect look to everyone who visits my profile because I believe that the first impression we make on someone we interact with online is on his/her profile picture. Do you agree? Hahaha! This picture says something again about my self – that I want my desire of having a nice, bulky body being reflected on my profile picture. It feels like that fantasy of mine became a reality through the digital word.

The concept of online identity is seen on what I’ve mentioned above. I believe that, after all these depictions, these are still considered as not really my true self or how I express myself to the real, tangible world. 


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